The Lord is calling the church to prayer

|PIC1|The United Kingdom stands at a crossroad with many forces and voices threatening to steer her off course. In this season of dire need, Great Britain is in urgent need of champions. Like the heroes of faith in scripture and history, men and women of conviction and passion need to arise and be counted as champions who will stand on the side of righteousness, justice and truth no matter the price or prize.

As we look across the globe with discerning eyes and hearts, there are signs of hope emerging. We thank God for the increased emphasis of the global church on serving the poor, meeting the needs of communities, on ecumenical unity, evangelism with signs and wonders, reconnecting with the marketplace and public square, as well as innovative bible translations, creative podcasts, music and media outreaches. We also thank God for the tremendous increase in prayer and intercession.

All over the world, more Christians are beginning to pray. There are now internet prayer groups, prayer points, SMS texting, prayer nights, vigils, 24hr prayer chains, business prayer groups, college prayer clubs, boiler rooms, national and international prayer networks, prayer telecasts, not to mention the thousands upon thousands of websites devoted to prayer. It is obvious that the Lord is calling His bride to get on her knees in preparation for His return.

On May 11th 2008, 97 per cent of all the countries in the world participated in the Global Day of Prayer as over 200 million Christians joined together in the largest prayer meeting in history. Some of these meetings were in large public venues, stadiums and open parks while many were smaller groups gathering in churches, homes or on the streets. In some cases, where persecution of believers is a horrific reality, the prayer meetings were in secret.

|QUOTE|We have held three Global Days of Prayer in London since 2006. The last two were stadium gatherings with tens of thousands of believers combined. Many other parts of the country held meetings. The vision, apart from raising a canopy of Prayer over the nation is to hold a National Day of Prayer at Wembley in 2010. We would like to invite Christians from all over the UK to come together with one voice and raise an outcry to heaven.

As we cry 'maranatha', I invite you to join this global prayer movement. Since New Years Eve 2006, hundreds of churches in London and beyond have been praying 24 hours everyday in a non-stop continuum of intercession for London and the nation. We would like you to consider getting your church to pray 24 hours or 12 hours, or perhaps conduct a night vigil - a prayer night for the nation and your community before the end of 2008..

You might already have dates and times for prayer for the nation in your church. All we want is for you to let us know so we can join our prayers with yours. Our aim is to cover the whole nation in one united canopy of prayer. "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land' (2 Chronicles 7:14)."

It is time to fight the good fight of faith for our beloved country. This is a call to arms, a call to war. There can be no more apathy and malaise in prayer; no more weak faithless prayers. Put on your armour soldier!

EM Bounds said: "The Christian soldier is to pray in all seasons and under all circumstances. His/her praying must be arranged in order to cover times of peace as well as active conflict. It must be available in her marching and her fighting. Prayer must diffuse all effort, impregnate all ventures, decide all issues. Fervent supplication must be added to steady resolve. Prayer and supplication must supplement the armour of God."

As a leader or member of a church, organisation or network, fix a date or days of prayer in the diary and call for a day or night of prayer for your community, city and country.


If you would like to get your church, organisation or network involved and perhaps you want to connect as an individual, please visit our website , send an email to or call us on 08456528600.

About Jonathan Oloyede:
Pastor Jonathan Oloyede is Senior Associate Pastor at Glory House, one of London's largest Pentecostal churches. He experienced a radical conversion from Islam to Christianity during the revival that hit Nigerian universities in the 80s and responded to the call of the Holy Spirit to become a missionary to the UK and Europe. Pastor Jonathan was ordained into pastoral ministry at Glory Bible Church (Glory House) in London in 1993 since which time he has served in full-time ministry.