'The Mick' season 2 episode 13 spoilers: Mackenzie and Alba pick up a lost kid

A promotional picture of "The Mick" on Fox.Facebook/ TheMickFOX

In the next episode of "The Mick," Mackenzie (Kaitlin Olson) and Alba (Carla Jimenez) accidentally pick up a lost kid during a field trip to a trash dump.

The trailer and promotional photos for the upcoming installment, which is titled "The Dump," were just released recently, and they show Mackenzie and Alba in the school bus taking charge of the kids as they drive to a trash dump.

After visiting the trash site, the children begin to get very rowdy, and they start throwing food at one another, which angers Mackenzie to no end. As she is doing a head count on the kids, she suddenly realizes that there is an extra child on board the bus.

"Did we pick up an extra kid?" she asks Alba, who looks equally surprised. They figure that the boy must have boarded the school bus when they were at the dump. They decide to bring the boy back to the house and think about what to do next.

In the meantime, the lost boy and Mackenzie's nephew Ben (Jack Stanton) play video games while the grown-ups worry about the situation. It appears that they may have "kidnapped" the kid.

"We are not kidnappers!" Mackenzie says to the frantic Alba.

"We took him! We established communication with the police. We brought him to a second location," Alba explains nervously to her. It remains to be seen if the two will be able to get out of this sticky situation.

In the last episode, Mackenzie thought that Jimmy (Scott MacArthur) was dead but discovered later that he was still alive. She was thrilled by this revelation because she still had feelings for him. They found each other and decided to get back together.

"The Mick" season 2 episode 13 will hit the airwaves on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 9 p.m. EST on Fox.