The One Big Question by Michael Baughen

If there is ever a subject which Christian must grapple it is the question of suffering. CWR is very pleased to offer this excellent book to those who are struggling to make sense of the issue or their circumstances and to those who want to be better equipped to help others.

As Lord Cary points out in his foreword, “The problem of pain with the bundle of issues that accompany it forms the most grievous obstacle to believing in God.”

It was this momentous challenge to faith that inspired Michael Baughen to struggle afresh with the common questions and accusations of the sceptic.

The One Big Question is theologically robust and cogent. It is also humble, realistic and practical. The material is helpfully divided into two: ‘Why? Question the love of God’; How? Knowing the love of God’. We are variously pointed to the cross of Christ and the love of God.

Michael Baughen sidesteps nothing, but with wisdom and sensitivity offers a response to the ‘why?’ questions, omnipotence, war, justice, natural disasters, illness, etc. His reflections and suggestions in answer to the ‘how?’ questions offer real hope and a way forward. These include relations, faith, purpose, care, prayer, grace and so much more.

Fiona Castle comments: “I found this compelling reading ... There are no patronising or condescending platitudes in his answers but carefully researched, sensitive response to this most difficult subject. The One Big Question his huge contribution to this critical discussion."

Author ProfileMichael Baughen was vicar and rector of All Souls Langham Plane, London; Bishop of Chester; Asst. Bishop in London and Asst, Bishop in Guildford. For many years he was Chairman of Jubilate Hymns. His strong desire to promote congregational Christian music has meant an ongoing involvement in such events as ‘Prom Praise’ (originated by him and Noel Tredinnick). His speaking ministry has taken him all over the UK, the Irish Republic, Europe, USA, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Dubai, Puerto Rico and the Middle East.