The One Minute Apologist offers quick answers to the big questions

The One Minute Apologist, founded by Bobby Conway, offers a creative, relational approach to apologetics, a teaching often regarded by the everyday Christian as “too academic, ethereal and unapproachable”.

Conway first encountered the problem of being unable to defend his faith in the early years of his Christian walk. Growing up in California and living the typical party lifestyle, he had first heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ at 19-years-old, when a college baseball teammate invited him to attend church to hear evangelist Greg Laurie speak.

“Becoming a Christian, no one really taught me how to do evangelism,” he told The Christian Post. “I would go out to the streets and I would go to college campuses … and I was being asked questions that I didn’t know the answers to.”

This experience stirred up the passion and desire in Conway to create short, credible soundbite answers, hoping to present a resource for those “with a hunger to defend their faith”.

Now the lead pastor of Life Fellowship Church in North Carolina, he believes local churches play a vital role in helping Christians “witness and share [their] faith with different people - polytheists, atheists, pluralists”.

“[Christians] fear they don’t have the answers, so they don’t go and share the Gospel because they just don’t know what to say,” he explained. “If people feel like they can answer people’s questions they might engage conversation.”

“The One Minute Plus” section of his unique website features interviews with world renowned scholars, philosophers and authors, including apologist and evangelist Josh McDowell and analytic philosopher Bill Dembski.

These professionals tackle prevalent topics in apologetics such as the resurrection, intelligent design and the existence of God.

Of course, one-minute answers on tough theological or life questions may not make for the best of arguments.

Conway acknowledged, “We know that when you answer a question in a minute you’re leaving a lot of extra questions unanswered. We just sort of touch the surface.”

That’s why he provides viewers with an opportunity for further reading at the end of every video.

Conway strongly believes it is every Christian’s responsibility to equip themselves to defend their faith. He quoted 1 Peter 3:15: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

Though The One Minute Apologist, founded in 2009, is mainly a YouTube ministry at this point, Conway plans to develop his website more this year.

“This thing is just kind of taking off right now and we’ve got a vision in place,” he stated.

“We want hundreds and hundreds of videos out there in short sound bites that can help people who are non-believers … and that it can also be a tool to equip Christians simultaneously.”

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