The one way we've been doing our schedules wrong


Have you ever taken a look at your work schedule or to-do list and just felt overwhelmed by the mountains that you have to climb on a daily basis in your profession?

Life can get immensely tiring at times with all the things that you have to get done, and it seems like there's just not enough space to use up in your planners and calendars. Meetings, quotas, tasks, travels and all the things that are racked up by your schedule just keep coming and coming.

As a result, we often feel like there isn't much time left to do other things. Vacation leaves, family outings, hobbies and exercise all go out the window. But what if I told you that your schedule doesn't have to be that overwhelming? What if I told you that majority of the world have been doing their schedules wrong?

You see, the way that we do our schedules heavily determines what we value most. Why? Because if it's not in your schedule, then it's never happening. So why do some people barely have time to spend with their kids? Or why do so many people forget to write the words "church," "workout" or "read books" in their calendars?

And I get it. There are just so many hours in a day and only seven days in a week, and we're all playing catch-ups with our bosses. But if you stopped chasing your profession for just one second, you'll be surprised to see that your husband, wife, kids, church friends and even God Himself have been chasing you as you were too busy chasing more money, success and reputation.

One day, I looked at my schedule and I was appalled by what I saw -- an endless list of "consultations," "foundations classes," "staff meetings" and "discipleship groups" when there should have been more space for "date nights," "take my daughter out," "exercise" and "alone time with God."

The next time you work on your calendars, why not put in the things that matter the most first? Most importanlty, put in your time with God first then start putting in time with your wife, your kids, your health, your hobbies and interests and then build your work schedules around those.

I'm not saying that we lessen our work load significantly right away, but just put in small increments of time for other things and then slowly grown them. I'll say it again: If it's not in your schedule, then it's never happening.

Proverbs 3:6 tells us, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." When God is put in our schedules first, He directs everything else for us.