'The Originals' season 3 spoilers: Fans haven't seen the last of Cami in new episodes

The OriginalsCW

The fall finale of "The Originals" season 3 saw Klaus and Cami share the precious kiss fans have been dying to see. Not giving them a chance to make the most of the much-awaited moment, a vicious Aurora steps in. Before anyone realized, Cami's throat was hacked.

Klaus, who seems to have been knocked out, had no idea how that happened because the last thing he remembered was Cami's lips on his. He woke up to find his beloved motionless and bloody, thanks to his crazy ex-girlfriend.

On Twitter, The CW teased that "Nothing will ever be the same for Klaus." It is unclear what that could mean because fans are still trying to get a grasp of what looked like Cami's unforeseen death in "The Originals" season 3 fall finale.

Some fans are worried that Cami may stay dead as the show progresses and the romance between her and Klaus was, unfortunately, not even given the chance to come into bud. But as far as the character's essayer Leah Pipes is concerned, show creator Julie Plec promised one thing.

"This isn't the last we've seen Leah Pipes grace the screen of this show," Plec told Variety. "The question is what context we'll see her again and just how tragic that will be," she added, suggesting that the heartbreaking incident in "The Originals" season 3 was just the beginning of a bigger tragedy.

She also explained that Cami's bloody fate was necessary to show "Aurora's instability, jealousy, insecurity and viciousness in the worst way possible." Killing Cami was her response to the fact that not only Klaus no longer loves her, but also treats her as an enemy.

That being said, Plec guaranteed that "The Originals" season 3 will be more fun with "a pissed off Klaus" running around New Orleans. The show creator stated that in the event Klaus gets his hands on his psycho ex-girlfriend, "it's not going to be pretty."

"The Originals" season 3 returns on Jan. 29 with an episode titled "Ghost of the Mississippi."