Walking Together

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it..."

- Matthew 7:13 NIV

Jesus explains in the Sermon on the Mount, how to walk together with God; he describes it as walking a narrow path, that is the opposite of the world - it sounds difficult to take...

|PIC1|Since only a few are taking it and though we might also want to, it becomes difficult when we think it is a path that we are taking alone. We could want to give up and choose the path that seems easy but Jesus is teaching us not to fall into this.

How? Because even though it seems wide, and broad, it is not the right 'one'.

The world is not perfect - we might describe it as 'full of sin and evil' - and even though it may seem the easier one - it's not. By choosing it, we would be conforming to it's desires, ultimately entering into a life that would not be pleasing...

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:14 NIV

At this time, we could think of Noah building the ark; going up a mountain to built it, whilst the whole world was still 'eating, drinking and marrying' - he could have felt that his path was narrow, difficult and lonely...

But by realising that he was together with God. That God would comfort him, that God was with him, and that his path would lead him towards salvation, he was able to overcome this.

We too, could have times that might seem lonely, narrow and difficult. But when we realise that we are walking together with God, we can find a deeper faith that overcomes it, with Him.