'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' news: Lisa Rinna explains reason for joining the show


The last episode of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" was filled with tears, as Yolanda Foster and Kyle Richards bade goodbye to their daughters who are now bound for college. 

Richards, whose daughter Alexia is heading to the University of Arizona this semester, stated: "She's gone from a little girl living at home to an apartment. A part of me wants her to finish at U of A, but the twisted part of me wants her to move closer to home." 

Richards and her husband Mauricio shed some tears when they said their goodbyes to Alexia, after they both agreed that she will receive $1,800 per month. 

The same dramatic farewells happened at the Foster household when Bella was scheduled to head to NYU for the coming semester. Bella even wrote her mother a note to apologize for her recent DUI violation. 

Foster cried as she was reading the letter out loud, which said: "The only thing I want is to gain back your trust. I'm still your good girl ... the one incident was a big mistake ... but it doesn't define who I am." 

The reality show star then told her daughter while hugging her that at 50 years old, she is still capable of making mistakes. 

Meanwhile, newcomer Lisa Rinna explained her decision to join the cast of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" during an interview with the Today show. 

"I was looking to do something outrageous, crazy and risky, and look what dropped in my lap. Hello! That's what I put out in the universe, and this is what came back," the reality show star and soap actress said. 

She also mentioned that her husband Harry Hamlin is very supportive about her new gig, saying that his only demand is to avoid checking her Twitter account. 

"The one thing was that I am not allowed to look on my Twitter and do any social media, and I can't read any responses. He said, 'The good is just as bad as the bad for your head, so you can't do it," Rinna stated. 

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" airs every Tuesday night on Bravo.