The road to hell - taking grace to Thai prisoners

C T Studd, England cricketer and pioneer missionary once said, “Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell. I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell.” Today, if you're looking for something a yard from hell, Thailand’s prisons more than fit the bill.

An English couple, Gillian and John Robinson, with their three children, have just moved to Thailand on a full-time mission to work with prisoners there. John Robinson is an acclaimed published author, whose book, Nobody's Child, has been published in eight languages so far, including Thai. The Robinsons have settled in Bangkok, the Thai capital.

The story of John’s early life makes compelling reading. He had a tough childhood, moving through a succession of foster homes. On the way he had first hand experience of the tough world inhabited by street boys and girls. Having found faith, this background proved very relevant over many years of ministry with marginalised young people.

Then last June, the Robinson world changed dramatically. A pastor from Thailand prison ministries invited John to come and speak to prison inmates in this Asian nation. John found himself standing before mainly Buddhist prisoners. They listened intently and many responded to John’s story of hope in God.

In one prison more than 70 inmates raised their hands when John issued the invitation to become followers of Jesus. One man, in tears, told how he had read John's book and it prompted him to start praying every day. It was a special moment when he met the author and his prayers were answered.

Here in the UK plans for their new ministry have been greeted with great enthusiasm and many pledges of support. John recently shared his vision for prison ministry in Thailand in the church for the homeless in the Midlands.

He says: “These street people took up a collection, emptying their pockets of all way ahead in the world. It came to £140. We were blessed and humbled.”

John Robinson’s books, Nobody’s Child and Somebody’s Child, can be ordered from the CMS webshop, or by calling Zoe at CMS, 01865 787 400