'The Sims 4' DLC news: EA brings back old content for 16th anniversary

The Sims showing off their love for grilled cheeseThe Sims Official Website

"The Sims" franchise has just turned 16, and EA and Maxis came up with the best way to celebrate the occasion -- a blast from the past with free "The Sims 4" content that revives the most loved features the previous installments had.

"The stuff available in this Update wasn't chosen randomly, either – fans who have been around since the first game might notice a common thread here. There's one specific thing chosen to represent each base game in the franchise," EA said in a blog post.

To begin with, "The Sims 4" will be graced by the notorious Tragic Clown from the original "The Sims" game. The update brings in a portrait of the character that will make Sims cry a good cry whenever they lay their eyes on it.

Fans who played "The Sims 2" will remember that some of their Sims have the constant need to nibble on a grilled cheese sandwich or two. Let the mania sweep the town once more with the Grilled Cheese Aspiration coming to "The Sims 4."

Thanks to the update, there's a reason for players to look out for their stuff every now and then. The update is bringing back the Kleptomaniac Trait from "The Sims 3," which makes everyone who has it find the urge to nick the neighbor's TV set or sofa.

"The Sims 4" also welcomes back the ever trusty gardener, who is always ready to look after the Sims' foliage and shrubbery. Simply give that guy a call and he'll be there in a heartbeat to get to work and doll up the garden.

The beloved franchise's sweet 16 also allowed fans to remember their greatest Sims memories. Players recounted funny and weird moments with their Sims and with the Goth family, otherwise known as the franchise's most popular neighbors.

The latest "The Sims 4" update is now available.