'The Sims 4' news: Cats and Dogs gameplay trailer released

Official gameplay screenshot for "The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs"The Sims

"The Sims 4" has released the gameplay trailer for their upcoming expansion set, Cats & Dogs.

Announced back in August, the latest expansion will feature a new gameplay system that will require players to raise their own dog or cat, or both.

Published in the YouTube channel, the trailer kept teasing long-time fans of the game series the idea of having a Sims pet that can actually do more than pee and poop. The Cats & Dogs expansion pack will feature the new Create-a-Pet tool that will let players choose a breed with distinct personalities.

The expansion pack will bring players to a new environment called Brindleton Bay. Creating a pet starts with choosing either a cat or a dog. Choosing the size of the pet comes afterwards. A quick search will let players choose from a list of breeds. Customizing the pet includes changing how the tail looks, coat colors and patterns, and fur length.

Since the gameplay is under a Sims title, dressing up pets is part of the gaming experience. Accessories range from leashes to collars, harness and pet clothes, hats as well as glasses. Players can also give their Sims pets traits. A player's cat can be aloof, clever, or a prowler. While dogs can be adventurous, stubborn, or independent. These traits will determine how a certain pet will behave to certain actions done by a Sim.

Learning tricks and commands fast are in the smart pets department. Trouble-making (and getting away with it easily) are for mischievous pets. If a player's Sim is a musical one, vocal cats and dogs will provide the much needed accompaniment to the piece.

There is also the Breed Mixer tool that does exactly what its name says. It creates exotic breeds that can only be seen in the world of Sims. Breed mixer also has a paint tool that will allow players to make their own unique patterns for their pet's coats.

The Cats & Dogs expansion pack will be coming to "Sims 4" on Nov. 10.