Valve's Steam Controller's hardware and software open to modifications

Steam Store

The Steam Controller will be open to modifications.

This was the announcement handed down by Valve as it relates to their new creation.

Valve really wants players to tinker around with the Steam Controller as much as they can, and to that end, they have made both the software and the hardware components of it open to modifications.

In terms of its software components, users can play around with things such as button mapping as soon as they get their hands on it. The availability of button and trigger mapping should allow players to come up with the configuration that works best for their play style.

Unfortunately, customizing the hardware components of the Steam Controller will be a bit more difficult.

Valve will still be helping players out on this front. According to Valve's Erik Johnson via Polygon, the company intends to eventually release the CAD files for the Steam Controller so that users can truly turn it into their own.

However, even with the CAD files on hand, users will most likely still require the presence of a 3D printer to completely modify their Steam Controller. Nonetheless, the option will remain available.

In related news, some people are not able to use their Steam Controllers even in their original forms thus far. The Steam Link and the Steam Controller are currently incapable of functioning when used with Macs.

The problems for now are seemingly stemming from issues involving streaming and gamepad emulation. 

Valve has termed the problems currently plaguing the Steam Controllers being used for Macs as "temporary software issues," meaning a fix is likely already in the works.

In order to make up for the problematic Steam Controller, the company is issuing the Valve Complete Pack to those affected in the hopes of tiding them over as they currently work on a fix.