'The Strain' season 4 episode 9 release date, spoilers: Human rebels prepare nuclear bomb; Ephraim confronts son Zach

Promotional photo for FX's "The Strain."Facebook/TheStrainFX

In the next episode of "The Strain," the human rebels prepare to detonate the nuclear bomb and Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll) confronts his traitorous son.

The trailer for episode 9 titled "The Traitor" was just released and showed Gus Elizalde (Miguel Comez) asking how big the explosion would be if they set the bomb off in New York City. They are very close to bombing Manhattan and obliterating the Master (Jonathan Hyde) and all his strigoi.

It appears that the human insurgents are very close to finding out the location of the Master by getting this information from one of his treasonous collaborators, Sanjay Desai (Cas Anvar). Dutch Velders (Ruta Gedmintas) has him tied up, while Mr. Quinlan (Rupert Penry-Jones) threatens him with a knife and interrogates him.

In the last episode, the rebels took over the blood bank facility and captured Desai to get information from him on the whereabouts of the Master. They needed to be sure that the strigoi leader was in the city before they could detonate the nuclear bomb.

The latest trailer strongly suggests that the Master is in Manhattan because it showed Elizalde and his crew preparing the bomb. It also implies that the warhead will be time-triggered or remotely detonated so that the rebels have time to escape the bomb blast.

Ephraim appears to have gotten a hold of his son Zach Goodweather (Max Charles) from the clutches of the Master. Zach was under his control and protection for the past months, which is why Ephraim does not trust him that much.

In the season 3 finale, Zach resented his father and detonated a bomb that caused the sky to darken and block out the sun. It was because of this that the strigoi were able to come out and not get killed by the sun's rays.

"The Strain" season 4 episode 9 will hit the airwaves on Sunday, Sept. 10 at 10 p.m. EDT on FX.