The Treasures Of Heaven

I search in the world
For something....
Wealth.... Health....
Wisdom.... Integrity...
None pleases me.

For wealth,
Even though it builds up
And buys you things,
It offer me nothing
For my inner security.
It satisfies temporal pleasure,
Oh yes, that is true,
But my pain and my fear,
It sometimes does not satisfy.

It gives me longer life,
Oh yes, that is true...
But what is the point
If inside, I long to die?
Living longer will then prolong
This suffering of mine.

Hey, that is cool but
I can be all wise
And understanding,
Yet if no one will listen to my teachings,
This wisdom becomes my pain.

This is who I am for years.
But integrity without
The strength to resist evil
Is more pain than blessed.
For I see the innocent suffer,
The wicked laugh,
Yet with all the integrity I have,
I cannot change this fact.

I search and I search...
Looking for a reason to live...
Surly I am born for a purpose...
Surly life must have something
It can offer to me.

But no, it offers me nothing.
Life is pain.
Life is misery.
As long as there are people
Who choose to do evil,
All my efforts to ease the pain
Of others will be labor put in vain.

I can help the selected few,
But not the unreached masses,
I can persecute a criminal of two,
But not the whole world when it turns evil.

In my heart,
I curse God, I swear against him,
Why make a place where
Evil is the way
To survive,
While integrity and goodness,
The way that does not thrive.


The lord leads me to search
For the treasure this world
Cannot offer...

Unknown then to me,
He has a plan,
To give me riches undeserved.

My cursing and swearing,
He graciously pardons,
He leads me to his way,
A kingdom full of real lasting treasures.

Friend, you will not believe me,
If I tell you how rich this kingdom is,
The treasures here are endless,
They are beyond what human mind can fathom.

Here I see not big houses.
Big cars or endless mountain of gold,
But I see beautiful people,
With heart of love,
Endlessly unlimited, wow,
Now that is treasure indeed!

In this country,
People are all servants, not lords.
They all serve one another happily,
Choosing the way of a servant
Over that of the master.

Although they are children of God most high,
They love their siblings,
And so they try
To put the interests of one another
Before the interests of themselves.

And since everyone is doing them,
Everyone is happy.
Though they do not serve themselves,
They have loving siblings who serve them well.

When all in the family decides to serve,
Each in the family
Is treated like a king.
When all in the family is committed to seeing others happy,
The slightest pain in this kingdom
Suffered by just one member,
Is eagerly erased away by many
Loving serving others.

I catch a glimpse of this kingdom,
I see its infinite richness,
I lose heart of my current possession,
Because the treasure which this kingdom offers
Is just what I have been searching for.

By Rpggal
