The Valley of Hope - Rwanda

In collaboration with the one of the UK's leading newspapers, the Daily Mirror, Oxfam Great Britain has launched a appeal for people in Rwanda.

Since 1994's genocide, Rwanda and its people have been struggling to recover from the wounds and to rebuild their country. In the past 10 years, so much work has been done, but still Oxfam urges the international community not to forget about these forgotten lives and offer them assistance till the very end.

The appeal named The Valley of Hope will mainly focus on the Umutara Province, in the north-east of Rwanda, where huge numbers of refugees have fled.

Recently, the province is still taking in people from across the country, such as Uganda and Tanzania, and Oxfam has been working in the region since March 1995. The aid agency has provided water and sanitation to people in Umutara. And Oxfam has focused its project around peace building and conflict management since 2001.

Right now, the most urgent factor to open up further projects in the region is financial support. Starting from December 2004 to the end of 2005, Oxfam and the Daily Mirror will together appeal for funds for the Umutara Province. The Daily Mirror will also report regularly on the progress of the aid work in the region.

"Their wishes and dreams are little more than having food for their children or a roof for their house. We can easily help these people," said Richard Wallace, Editor of the Daily Mirror.

Please visit the website to give your humble offering to brothers in Rwanda.