'The Walking Dead' season 7 episode 13 spoilers: King Ezekiel switching allegiances?

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Carol returns and tensions will be simmering between the Saviors and The Kingdom when episode 13 of "The Walking Dead" airs this Sunday.

There is uncertainty for The Kingdom as King Ezekiel seems tempted to abandon his position there to join Rick and his crew in his war against the Saviors. 

It may well be that Sunday's episode will be the decisive moment for King Ezekiel to decide once and for all where he stands, having previously rejected opportunities to join Rick's crew. 

Until now, he's been keen to dance to Negan's tune for the sake of keeping himself and his followers alive. 

But the new teaser from AMC is certainly setting the stage for a suspense-filled episode as Negan's men go to collect supplies from The Kingdom.   

The episode, called "Bury Me Here", sees the drop take an unexpected turn as people reach for their weapons in a tense stand off.  

Has King Ezekiel been pushed too much?  Perhaps he's being pushed beyond what he can endure from the Saviors and he's ready to throw his lot in with Rick and The Kingdom. 

But it seems like he might not be the only one heading over to Rick's side as the teaser shows Carol making her return.  She leaves the safety of her home and interestingly, crosses paths with Morgan who is with King Ezekiel during the supply drop.  

It appears that her search for Morgan is actually going to lead her back to Rick.  As to why she's coming back, The Independent speculates that she may have learned the truth about Glenn and Abraham at the hands of Negan. 

Whichever way, the return of this fan favorite is sure to go down well with audiences on Sunday.

"The Walking Dead" season 7 episode 13, titled "Bury Me Here," airs on Sunday, March 12, at 9 p.m. on AMC.