'The Walking Dead' season 7 spoilers: fan favorite Daryl to die this season?

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"The Walking Dead" season 7 episode 1 saw the brutal death of two main characters, and there will be more deaths to come. An alleged leaked photo has been circulating, indicating that Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) may be the next victim that Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) murders.

The supposed image showcases the character already dead, hanging with a wire around his neck, and his guts spilling out of a large wound. There are also creatures that seem to be zombies reaching out to devour him. However, it is pointed out in a report from Comic Book that this is not a spoiler-filled image as it is not from "The Walking Dead."

As a matter of fact, the photo comes from a movie that Reedus did two years prior to the premiere episode of "The Walking Dead." The photo is from the 2009 movie "Pandorum," where Reedus played the character, Shepard.

It is pointed out that it is easy to mistake the photo as a leaked "The Walking Dead" image. Norman Reedus's character, Shepard, has a similar costume to Daryl Dixon, and his face is also dirty just like Daryl's. The creatures reaching out for his innards do resemble the zombies seen on "The Walking Dead."

Just because this isn't concrete proof of Daryl dying doesn't mean the character is not going to be killed off down the line, especially since Daryl is currently Negan's hostage.

Speaking to Comic Book in a separate report, Reedus stated that while Daryl's companions do not blame him for Glenn's (Steven Yeun) death, Daryl still holds himself responsible. After all, Negan wouldn't have killed a second person if Daryl did not rise up and punch Negan in the face.

"He goes very, very dark," Reedus explained. "He does certain things that he can't go back from. He goes to a very, very dark, dark place. It's a combination of hatred. It's a combination of self-loathing. It's different from when he first started on the show," the actor went on to say.

"The Walking Dead" season 7 will continue on Sunday, Oct. 30.