'Winds of Winter' relesae date, spoilers: Dany to instigate bloody war?

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in HBO's Game of Thrones.HBO

Fans are yet to brush upon luck in their enduring quest to discover the release date of George R.R. Martin's upcoming book "The Winds of Winter." What has come upon them, however, are possible spoilers about the plot of the highly anticipated title.

Rumor has it that the latest book in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" saga will be a tale of war, conflict and blood, which will root from the return of Daenerys. The Mother of Dragons will allegedly spark massive warfare as she claims possession of Westeros.

This will lead to what is being said as the civil war and will end with the death of thousands. Some speculations suggest that Dany's blood will also be pouring in her beloved city while other reports claim that she will emerge victorious, thus successfully reclaiming what she believes is hers.

The latter theory is supported by the fact that she has dragons by her side, creatures that can easily kill a bulk of people in seconds. As for the former, it should be something readers and fans will talk about for a while.

Whatever the agenda Dany has in store, "The Winds of Winter" is expected to feature a mind-blowing twist. Whether or not this involves Daenerys meeting a brutal demise remains to be seen. What Martin has said so far is that the turn of events will "drive [the] readers crazy."

"It's a great twist. It's easy to do things that are shocking or unexpected, but they have to grow out of characters. They have to grow out of situations. Otherwise, it's just being shocking for being shocking," the author once told Entertainment Weekly.

"But this is something that seems very organic and natural, and I could see how it would happen," the 67-year-old author went on to say. He added that this massive twist involves three to four characters.

Meanwhile, "The Winds of Winter" is expected to be released a couple of months before the premiere of "Game of Thrones" season 6 in April. This gives it a possible February release date, enough time not to let the show spoil the events in the book. There are also talks that the manuscript is already being readied for translation this month.