'The Winds of Winter' update: George R.R. Martin says demand for book can't make him write faster

The Winds of WinterWikipedia/Bantam Spectra

Despite the numerous speculations about the status of the fifth installment from "A Song of Ice and Fire," George R.R. Martin is still unfazed about the release date of "The Winds of Winter."

During a recent public appearance at the Medill School of Journalism in his alma mater, the Northwestern University, the best-selling author revealed that he just can't hasten his writing speed even if there is a strong clamor for an immediate release of his next book.  

Fans of both the best-selling novels and their TV adaptation on HBO, "Game of Thrones," have been eagerly waiting for the release of the book, since "A Dance with Dragons" and "Game of Thrones" season 5 contain numerous cliffhangers. These include the fate of Jon Snow, who was left for dead by his Night's Watch brothers in both the book and the TV series.

"I've been hearing them come up behind me for years, and the question is, How can I make myself write faster?" Martin revealed. "I think, by now, the answer is, I can't. I write at the pace I write, and what the show is doing is not going to change what the books are."

Still, the author teased that he already has a clear plan about how he wants to end the series, and it will be something "bittersweet."

Meanwhile, previous reports claimed that Martin's publisher is just waiting for the go signal for the book's release date any time soon.

Winter Is Coming said that Michael Jakuszewski, the Polish translator of Martin's books, revealed that he was asked to block his time before the year ends to translate the sixth installment from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series into their language, accordig to Polish website Piesn Lodu I Ognia.

"Michael Jakuszewski confirmed that he was asked by the publishing profit reserve at the end of this year, the time to translate Winds of Winter and though the translator seemed to have a slight distance to this information, no doubt it is a ray of hope for many of us," the report claimed.

"The Winds of Winter" is Martin's follow-up to "A Dance with Dragons," which was released in 2011.