'The Witcher 3' new details leaked online

Screenshot of "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"[Photo credit: The Witcher official website]

Several details about the soon-to-be released action open world role-playing game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" may have been leaked online. 

According to an article posted by Gamepur.com, avid gamer Macfoshizzle posted a Neogaf in one of the "Witcher 3" threads that offered several important details about The Game Awards' "Most Anticipated Game of 2015" last month. 

According to Macfoshizzle, the gameplay of "The Witcher 3" is exactly what is expected from it.

"The outfits, architecture, dialog, the characters is done perfectly to draw you into the world and lore. The combat is smoother than ever and much more intuitive and fun without making it easy. The horse mechanic is awesome and very similar to Red Dead. I like the fact that you can just hold down 'A' and it will automatically steer you to the direction you need to go ... " the gamer said. 

Macfoshizzle also shared that the game starts with the typical tutorial and gameplay mechanics overview. He also said that there is a very exciting Adult Theme in the game. 

"Also the adult theme which I want to emphasize is very apparent from the start and has a very Game of Thrones vibe to it to make the most familiar comparison to for those of you who haven't played any of the Witcher titles," he shared. 

Meanwhile, the first MOBA of "The Witcher" franchise was released on iOS and Android-operated devices on Thursday, and it is dubbed as "The Witcher Battle Arena." The very first "The Witcher" MOBA developed by Fuero Games under the supervision of CD Project RED groups players into threes and requires them to secure different zones on a game map by occupying them. 

"The Witcher Battle Arena" was released a few months ahead of "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," which is scheduled on May 19.