'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' tips, tricks and cheats

With the release of one of the most anticipated games this year, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is shaping to be one of the most challenging open-world titles currently out in the market, and casual players and hardcore RPG fans alike need all the help they can get. 

Roach is a player's bestfriend 

Witcher 3 website

Geralt can summon his horse, Roach, any time from almost anywhere by giving a whistle, and players can check the minimap for a little horse head icon to check where Roach will be coming from. 

Roach is also very handy in this title. Of course, players can use the horse to travel across areas, and pressing and holding X on the PlayStation 4 will make the animal follow the road automatically. 

However, unlike other RPGs, Geralt's horse also has equipment slots. There are the mandatory blinders that improve Roach's fear levels, saddles that increase its stamina, and monster trophies. What many players don't know is that they can increase Geralt's carrying capacity by purchasing saddlebags for Roach. 

Listening is a skill 

Witcher 3 website

The title's progressive story is such that events are affected by the choices Geralt makes, so players need to listen to the dialogues carefully in order to make the best choices. For cut scenes and conversations with NPCs, yellow dialogue options advance the conversation to the next point, while gray ones are general information. At times, there are pressured conversations, which players would be able see by a timer ticking down.

Travel and inventory 

Witcher 3 website

Players can mark quests in the journal, and the interface will show the quest marker with the quickest way to get there. If it is near any sign post already visited, Geralt can probably fast travel there instead. However, if the player is still in the early stages and building up inventory, it might be useful to check the long and scenic route, since there are treasures and loot items scattered all over the map.