Theology Website Seeks Sponsors

Christian website is seeking sponsors so that the popular site can continue its service of answering questions on Christianity from the general public.

FreelanceTheology was launched in January 2004 to provide impartial answers to the questions of Christians and non-Christians alike on aspects of Christianity. The website has since grown in popularity and now regularly attracts enquiries from around the world.

The answers cover everything from biblical commentary, church history, day-to-day
Christian life, and the big questions, which have perplexed thinkers throughout the centuries.

The website is the brainchild of Jon Matthias, known as 'Jon the freelance theologian', a theology graduate from Cardiff University. He said the site was the result of always being asked profound theological questions and having to answer them on the spot.

"I often get asked difficult questions, so referring people to buys me some time to come up with an answer," explains Matthias. "But I'm also amazed how many people will get in touch with often very deep questions which they feel they just cannot ask in church."

He continued: "The majority of people asking questions have a very definite faith,
but are afraid to ask their church leaders, or are unhappy with the dogmatic answers they've been given.

"And there are many people out there who want to ask important questions, but don't want to approach a Christian in person because they don't want someone trying to
convert them."

The sponsorship programme has been launched to support the running costs of the website and increasing the FreelanceTheology library.

For US$10, sponsors will be profiled permanently on the internet, and read by a global audience. All queries about sponsorship should be addressed via the website at