Think outside the box this Christmas, says bishop

|PIC1|The Bishop of Oxford is encouraging Christmas shoppers to 'think outside the box' this year.

The Rt Rev John Pritchard has launched a poster campaign that will run throughout the Thames Valley in the few weeks leading up to Christmas.

The eye-catching poster will appear on the back of buses in the city of Oxford , and on noticeboards throughout towns and villages across the three counties of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire the diocese covers.

The poster is designed to give people pause for thought during the busy preparations of the festive season. It points people towards a website ( where they can easily find their parish church and the times of Christmas services, simply by entering their postcode.

Bishop Pritchard said: "When we are all so busy with our presents, parties and preparations this Christmas, I want to make sure we don't forget the central story.

"The simple truth of Christmas is that God came to us in the best way we could understand - in a child. I'd like people in the Thames Valley to try thinking outside the normal Christmas box this year, and see what hidden treasure they discover."

Posters have been sent to every church in the diocese for display on church and community noticeboards.