Third Archbishop of Anglican Southeast Asia Province Installed

|TOP|Dr John Chew has been installed as the Third Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in Southeast Asia. Anglican Primates, bishops, clergy and other church leaders from all over the world gathered in St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Singapore.

In St. Andrew’s the congregation, with raised hands cheered and shouted with joy and sang “Christ triumphant, ever reigning” The gathered clergymen prayed and blessed the new Archbishop in the final stages of the Installation Service.

The service occurred on Sunday 5th February and lasted for two hours. The service, taking place in the heart of Singapore was considered a celebration of the work of God in the relatively new Anglican Province (it’s currently in its tenth year).

1,600 people attended the service, some of which were obliged to go to the new and modern 900 seat basement Sanctuary, due to limitations of space.

|QUOTE|The event was attended by local government leaders, other denominational heads like the Methodist Bishop Solomon, the heads of Anglican agencies and Church organisations, as well as regular Christians.

The Executive Secretary of the Anglican Mainstream International, Canon Chris Sugden said of the event: “It is wonderful to see the Anglican liturgy done so beautifully; singing the hymns of the church, praying for the new Archbishop and his family, blessing him at the door of the Cathedral with hands raised.

It was a wonderful experience of integrity in worship.”
John Chew spoke during his sermon about of “our confidence to fulfil our responsibilities and speak to the world rest in the truth of Christ which through the Cross has set us free from sin and our self-centred human condition,” reports Global South Anlglican.

Datuk Made Katib, the Bishop of Kuching and Brunei expressed his view that the new Archbishop would provide leadership and inspiration for the clergy and parishes of the Province.

|AD|While Dr Mouneer Anis, the Bishop of Egypt observed: “Today we heard a prophetic voice – the truth will set us free. Not “a” truth but THE truth in Christ, in Scripture, in Gospel. He is a strong voice, a Primate who is so committed to the goals of the Gospel and the work of the Lord.”

The congregation at the service also included three important Chinese leaders: Mr Ye Xiaowen, Director General, State Administration for Religious Affairs, Presbyter Ji Jianhong, Chairman of the Three Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches of China and Revvd Cao Shengjie, President of the China Christian Council.

Their presence can be attributed to the deep friendship that John Chew has cultivated with them, and to his will to aid the emerging Chinese Church contribute to Chinese nation building.

One Bishop said: “His good relationship with politicians and church leaders in China has been cultivated through the years. Consistently, he has come across as a intellectual with deep, mature insights and long-term vision for the Church and society. And as a person, he is warm, sincere, humble, trustworthy and committed to the Christian faith.”

The New Archbishop now has the responsibility of keeper of the flame that was first lit 10 years ago, when the Province came into being. Then the Right Reverend Dr Moses Tay of Singapore became the first Primate of the Province.

The Province consists of the Dioceses of Kuching, Sabah, Singapore and West Malaysia and has overcome a number of difficulties, namely the spreading of the Gospel in ancient Asian civilizations and faiths, this all in the context of relentless economically driven globalization, secularism and threats from extremists.

The outgoing Archbishop, the Most Reverend Datuk Yong Ping Chung was appointed to the post in 2000. Speaking of the change in leadership he said: “I can retire with confidence because the Province is in the good hands of a servant who will continue the vision we had when we first started. And I am looking forward to my next appointment – as a fulltime grandparent!”

Bishop Solomon of the Methodist Church observed that: “John Chew plays an important role in the Anglican Communion. He is able to contribute the Asian voice and perspective. So the issues in the Anglican Communion are of interest to all. We (Methodists worldwide) do not live in a vacuum. What happens in one denomination has impact in others. John can make significant contributions to the Church worldwide.”

Representing the Archbishop of Canterbury was the Bishop of Lichfield, the Right Reverend Jonathan Gledhill.

He said: “There are lots of healthy signs of community despite the differences. The Dioceses of Singapore and Malaysia are wonderful examples of how different ethnicities and religions can come together and the Anglo-Saxon world can learn so much from them.”

After the service the new Archbishop spoke with many well-wishers including the Nicholas Chia, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore.

By having such a diverse group of church leaders from across the world, some have commented that it reveals the “small but influential” mission and prophetic role that the Province has.

Towards the end of the day the Archbishop was heard to say: “What a week it has been. The events may be all over. But actually, the work is only just beginning,” reports Global South Anglican.