Thirst for life - 40days alcohol free

Youth workers, Andy Frost (26) and Emma Morrice (26), are challenging 100,000 people to go alcohol free for 40 days and to take a stand against binge drinking. They have started a campaign called thirst for life – which is designed to highlight the problems of alcohol abuse.

Andy Frost’s day-to-day work with young people made him realise that a fresh approach to tackle alcohol abuse was needed – “I am really worried about what binge drinking is doing to my generation. Someone, somewhere needs to stand up and say enough is enough”.

Andy and Emma have arranged for 600,000 postcards to be placed in cinemas, health centres and universities which invite people to see if they can survive without alcohol for 40 days. An award-winning video producer, David Sorley is creating video virals which will be circulated by e-mail. Campaign packs and ‘thirst for life’ badges showing an upturned beer glass will be worn by people taking up the challenge.

To read more, click here.