The Duggar family from "Counting On" gave their full support to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee when he was vying to become the Republican candidate for the White House. But after Huckabee stepped down, who are the Duggars now supporting?
The Christian family have remained silent on their choice for president after Huckabee bowed out. But now, Jill Duggar's husband Derick Dillard has opened up about his preferred candidate: Donald Trump.
On his Twitter account (@Derick4Him), the father of Israel David David Dillard wrote, "Voting for Trump doesn't = condoning his lifestyle. It just means agreeing with more of his policies than [Hillary] Clinton's."
Before that, the reality star also reminded his 117,000 followers that they should not forget to vote. "Are you registered to vote?! If not, it's not too late. No excuses. Get 'er done so you can vote....and then don't forget to vote!" he tweeted.
Aside from Dillard, Jessa Duggar's husband Ben Seewald also aired his views regarding the presidential race on his social media account. Unlike Dillard, Seewald did not say who he is voting for, since he remains very critical of both Trump and Clinton.
On his Twitter account (@benseewald), the reality star expressed his disdain after hearing Trump's leaked video, which showed him making lewd comments about women. "Trump's 2005 remarks about women is completely contrary to everything that we believe in as Christians," Seewald retweeted from Ivan Mesa.
He later retweeted a post shared by Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission president Dr. Russell Moore: "Evangelicals don't trust Clinton with SCOTUS or executive orders and Trump with nuclear codes or our wives."
He also shared the opinion made by Desiring God founder John Piper for both Trump and Clinton to step down from the race. On his Twitter account (@JohnPiper), the chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary wrote, "Of course, Trump should step down as Olasky and Grudem say. So should Hillary. That is what 'unqualified' means. It's never been a question."
Piper was referring to the columns written by evangelical theologian Wayne Grudem and World Magazine editor Marvin Olasky.