'This Is Us' season 2 will revolve around the death of family patriarch Jack

"This Is Us" returns for its second season on Sept. 26.Facebook/NBCThisIsUs

Earning numerous award nominations and becoming one of the breakout shows of last year, "This Is Us" will be returning for its second season this fall. The show promises more tear-jerking drama and interesting twists as it is set to explore the death of the family's patriarch Jack, played by Milo Ventimiglia.

"I always talk about Jack's death as this hinge upon which the family swings," producer Dan Fogelman told Variety. "And there's a kind of before that and the after that. And that's very much what this season is about," he added.

While Jack's death has been a known fact since the first season, owing to the show's multiple timeline format, the circumstances surrounding his death remains a mystery.

The showrunner also said that the series will be exploring a different side of Ventimiglia's character. The first season portrayed him as the perfect father to the triplets, and a loving husband to his wife, Rebecca, played by Mandy Moore. The upcoming season will explore the struggles that Jack had to face to become the person that he was.

Another character who will be explored in the next season is Miguel, played by Jon Huertas, who was Jack's best friend in the past timeline and Rebecca's new husband in the present.

"It's not just this season, but it's future seasons that we have planned out where Miguel's place in the story become bigger and bigger and bigger," he said, adding, "I think we can get him to become this beloved character that you're rooting for in a really big way."

Even though the series has shown that Miguel is a really nice person, many fans still see him as a polarizing character who tries to replace Jack in the family.

The new season will continue with the now-damaged relationship between Jack and Rebecca. It wastes no time as it picks up immediately after the big fight that occurred in last season's finale between the couple.

The second season of "This Is Us" will premiere on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 9 p.m. EDT on NBC.