'Thor 3 Ragnarok' news: new armor, new designs for Thor and Hulk

Planet HulkMarvel Comics

"Thor: Ragnarok" will be featuring Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk and according to a report from JoBlo, it is possible that the film will feature elements of the "Planet Hulk" storyline from the comic books and somehow incorporate these into the film's main plot which sees Thor (Chris Hemsworth) attempting to stop Ragnarok, which is the Nordic term for the end of the world.

According to the report, Hulk will no longer be found on Earth and may be a part of gladiatorial arena which is handled by Jeff Goldlum's character, the Grand Master. Just like in the comic books, this means Hulk will be a gladiator fighting other large warriors and aliens. 

In light of this plot arc, the Hulk is also said to be wearing his "Planet Hulk" outfit which includes an iconic arm guard that covers his shoulders to his fists. In the comic books, Banner had managed to learn how to control the Hulk persona but it is undetermined if this will also play true in the movie adaptation.

Thor will also sport a new look. According to the report, Thor will have a shaved head but he will not be completely bald. This indicates he may have a look akin to the Vikings seen in the History HD show "Vikings" and may even have warpaint on his face.

JoBlo also points out that Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) will not be a blond as she is in the comic books and will have warpaint akin to that of a Native American warrior. This may also apply to Thor.

In regards to Thor's main mission, it is said he will be on the hunt for the ultimate weapon to stop Ragnarok from happening. It is hinted that Ragnarok will be initiated by Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his daughter Hella (Cate Blanchett). Thanos (Josh Brolin) is rumored to also play a part in this. 

Fans speculate that this ultimate weapon may be one of the Infinity Stones while others point out that it may be refering to the Hulk, prompting Thor to travel to the planet where he is now located at.

"Thor: Ragnarok" opens in theaters on Nov. 3, 2017.