'Thor: Ragnarok' release date news: Upcoming film gets animated parody with matching song

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If there is one thing the first "Thor: Ragnarok" trailer made clear, it's that it will not be as dark and foreboding as the first three films. That is probably why someone decided to make an animated parody to double down on that fact.

The guys at AOK made an animated parody with its very own matching theme-song inspired by the "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin. Poking fun at the film's plot as well as the actors themselves, the two-minute video definitely hits viewer's funny bones.

The custom-made lyrics of the song include aspects of Asgardian mythology. One example is the line "He comes from the land of the Rainbow Bridge," obviously referencing Bifrost Bridge.

While most of the video retells what fans already know from the trailer, there are other things in which it offers commentary. This includes director Taika Waititi's statement that this installment will feature a more humorous version of Thor.

The video predicts that the film will be one of the best Marvel films out there, particularly because Loki will be there. This has been a recurring joke among fans given that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has yet to create a villain that can equal the Asgardian in popularity.

It also pokes fun at the fact that since both Thor and the Hulk missed "Captain America: Civil War," "Thor: Ragnarok" will become a buddy film about them. This is very likely, given that Thor seems to be the only Avenger the Hulk is comfortable to "pal around" with.

The rest of the parody introduces the characters that will take part in the film. Hela, Stephen Strange, Heimdall, and Sif all receive screen time as well as Thor's new hairdo.

All in all, the video is very entertaining especially if the audience gets all the references. Be sure to catch "Thor: Ragnarok" when it hits the theaters on Nov. 3.