'Thor: Ragnarok' rumors: Six Infinity Stone speculated to be in Thor's Hammer

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It looks like Marvel fans are expecting the sixth Infinity Stone to pop up in the next Thor (Chris Hemsworth) solo film, "Thor: Ragnarok."

According to a report by Movie News Guide, the rumor mill has just begun spreading word that Marvel may reveal the final Infinity Stone when "Thor: Ragnarok" makes its run on the big screen next year.

Back when Marvel started on its cinematic journey into the mystic realm through its first "Doctor Strange" film, the studio revealed the fifth Infinity Stone hidden in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) — the time stone hidden in the Eye of Agamotto, an ancient relic that Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) used to control time. Now, fans have begun to theorize that the sixth stone could be hidden in another super weapon — Thor's Hammer.

 The Marvel Cinematic Universe has slowly been revealing the different Infinity Stones: the Space Gem in the Tesseract, the Reality Gem in the Aether, the Power Gem in the Orb, the Mind Gem in the Scepter of Loki, and the Time Gem in the Eye of Agamoto.

Now, fans have found out that three of the five hiding places of the gems spell out the name of Thanos. The only one that hasn't been discovered is the Soul Gem, assigned to the letter H. Now, with this theory in mind, some have begun to speculate that H could stand for Hammer.

Though the source of Mjolnir's powers has yet to be uncovered in the MCU, it seems like it would be no surprise to find that Mjolnir actually drew strength from the fifth Infinity Stone. After all, Thor's weapon of choice could only be wielded by beings like the Norse god, blessed with awe-inducing strength.

Meanwhile, in other "Thor: Ragnarok News," a new interview with Stan Lee by the 14-year old KJ Ricc on Cat Country reveals that the comic book superstar has his bets on Thor winning a fight against Mark Ruffalo's Hulk — if there ever would be one.

"I would have to say Thor, because as strong as Hulk is, he's still a mortal. Thor is one of the Norse gods!" Lee explains.

"Thor Ragnarok" is slated to premiere on Nov. 3, 2017.