Thousands of Anti-Christian Flyers Threaten Lives of Indian

Thousands of leaflets containing threatening statements were being widely circulated last week by Hindu fanatics in the Chitradurga district in India's Karnakata State.

The leaflet - signed by Hindu radical groups Bajrang Dal and Hindu Jagrutika Samiti of Chitradurga district in Karnataka - stated: "Christians must immediately abandon Indian territory, or return to the mother religion which is Hinduism."

If they do not, "[t]hey will be killed by all good Indians, who by doing so will show their virility and their love of the country."

Written in the local Kannada dialect, the text lists the "crimes" that Christians commit, including helping the poor and converting them, educating the orphans and converting them, promoting freedom to marry, and organising free medical care while ignoring the caste system.

Dr Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), is spearheading the defence of persecuted Christians in India. He has strongly condemned the circulation of hate-filled leaflets and demanded that all citizens, the media and the Indian Government "cry a halt to the violent hate-mongering being engaged in the name of religion".

This year, attacks on believers in Karnataka have escalated. Small towns as well as large cities including Shimoga, Mysore, Bijapur, and even Bangalore have all witnessed attacks on believers in the past few months.

Believers in the Chitradurga district are being warned to stay vigilant of their movements and activities so that they will not get unwanted attention from radical groups such as Bajrang Dal and Hindu Jagrutika Samiti.