Thousands of Youth Worldwide Set to Pray for Global Persecuted Church

Youth across the UK are set to join thousands across the globe to pray for some of the 200 million Christians that are persecuted and suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

|TOP|Millions of Christians are suffering in silence, reports Open Doors, and so across the world youth ministries and individuals are gearing up to pray for them.

The global 2-day event will take place from March 3-5, 2006 and has been organised by Underground, which is the youth outreach of Open Doors.

The prayer event will take place in Shockwave chatrooms as well as prayer meetings throughout many countries in the world.

Shockwave will commence in New Zealand and will work its way across the time zones, aiming to act as a wave of prayer engulfing the globe for the persecuted church.

The event is the fourth of its kind using Shockwave, and the Chief Executive of Open Doors UK, Eddie Lyle has stated, “Rise up, shake the nations and make a difference. Millions can potentially connect to the power of corporate prayer using SHOCKWAVE chat rooms, in addition to those taking part in the 100’s of prayer meetings being organised.

|QUOTE|"Please join us in being part of this powerhouse of prayer and see lives and nations changed as a result. It is the very least, and at the same time the very most we can do, for brothers and sisters across the world being persecuted because of their faith in Christ.”

One Shockwave participant from Australia in 2005 explained the passion seen in the event last year: “Many of us joined together in Sydney to pray. There was an incredible sense of unity as we came together from different churches. It was a real buzz to think that many other people worldwide would be joining us in prayer.

“When I came home I couldn't help but think how happy God must have been, when He saw His global church come together in unity, with one purpose in mind. I believe SHOCKWAVE has already impacted the world now and will continue to impact the future.”

|AD|Twelve months ago, youth from New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, Switzerland, Italy, France, Norway, Cameroon, Romania, UK, Ireland, USA and Brazil took part in the event.

Across the UK alone there were 100 prayer groups and other individuals across the country that called upon the Holy Spirit to release the power of prayer to strengthen, protect and comfort Christians living in places where faith is very literally a matter of life and death.

North Korea has topped the list as the country enduring the greatest Christian persecution in the world for the past three years. According to Open Doors, the Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia stands as the second worst, followed by communist countries Vietnam, Laos and Islamic Iran, jostling for third place in the Open Doors World Watch Persecution List.

The Shockwave message board and chat room have made it possible for individual praying Christians to effectively join the groups praying.

A prayer pack has also been released by Shockwave to offer resources to those interested in the event. The pack gives many stories of individuals needing prayer, such as Maria Samar John, who was sold into marriage to a Muslim man and whose children have been taken away because she insists on retaining her Christian faith. Also, Vietnamese Christian, Lien, who was arrested for her Christian witness, but was given a lethal drugged drink in custody and has been left mentally ill ever since.

The pack also offers creative ideas to run a prayer meeting. To receive a Shockwave 2006 resource pack please email