Thousands of youths sign up to read Bible in one year

This year’s Soul Survivor summer event saw at least 10,000 young people commit to reading the Bible over the next year.

The year of reading kicked off on September 1 and is based on Soul Survivor’s brand new Bible in One Year resource.

The NIV Bible provides daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament and Psalms, while the Bible in One Year blog offers insights and commentary from Christian heavyweights such as Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft and Ali Martin.

The launch coincides with the start of the new academic year when many young people will be returning to school or university.

Christian youth worker and blogger Jon Jolly gave the resource the thumbs up on his blog: “While there are many other Bible reading plans and various notes available, it’s great that such a large youth organisation are encouraging young people to read the Bible together.”

Some 30,000 young people came to Soul Survivor’s four summer events, making it a record high turnout for them.

Pilavachi, Soul Survivor’s founder, shared his excitement at what God was doing through the movement.

“We have heard some amazing stories of what God has been doing,” he was quoted as saying by Inspire magazine.

“One youth leader told me they had became a Christian at Soul Survivor in 2008 and this year had brought 20 unchurched young people with them. By 4pm of the fourth day they said 10 of the group had given their lives to God. By day five that had gone up to 15 and by the end of that day it was 18!

“I also met an RE teacher who brought 80 pupils from her school for an ‘RE field trip’ to see what Christians believe. Now many of those teenagers are Christians themselves! We are thankful to God for all his he had done; this has been another year of his grace.”