Thousands Support Upcoming London Climate Change Event

As thousands of people are expected to appear at the 'I Count' event in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday November 4th 1 - 3pm, Stop Climate Chaos (SCC) recently announced further high profile support as top UK band Razorlight will also attend.

Other supporters of 'I Count' who will be appearing are: KT Tunstall, Rob Newman, Miranda Richardson, Simon Amstell, Rufus Hound, Ashok Sinha (Director - Stop Climate Chaos), Right Reverend James Jones (Bishop of Liverpool), Adam Hart Davis, Dr Hany El Banna (President - Islamic relief) and Sharon Looremeta.

Thousands concerned about climate change are expected to turn out at the free event on the eve of global climate change talks in Nairobi, including UK's leading environment, development and women's organisations, activist and faith-based groups. Its members include Cafod, Christian Aid and Tearfund.

They will be demanding the UK Government negotiate an international deal to keep global warming to less than 2 degrees centigrade and introduce a Climate Change Bill into the Queens speech that delivers annual cuts in UK carbon dioxide emissions.

This week the Stern Report focused the UK's media on the financial costs of climate change and the Government's announcement that it accepts urgent action on the issue is needed.

People will be travelling to the event from all over the UK- from coaches to canoes; surfers with their boards arriving from the South West, cyclists from Somerset. All will converge on Trafalgar Square and join others who will be met with street bands, entertainment, film, performance and speakers.

SCC is an unprecedented and growing coalition on climate change, bringing together environment and development organisations, unions, faith, community and women's groups. Members include Friends of the Earth, RSPB, Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Tearfund, Christian Aid, the Women's Institute and UNISON. The

'I Count' campaign was launched on Wednesday 11th October with the unveiling of a 4ft ice sculpture of Prime Minister Tony Blair's head encased around a first edition of Penguin book, 'I Count: A Step by Step Guide to Climate Bliss'. The campaign has since gained rapid support from many leading figures and high profile supporters concerned about climate change.

Some SCC member organisations will be holding 'feeder events' in London which will be held prior to the mass public event in Trafalgar Square (1-3pm).