Through the Gates of Splendour: 50th Anniversary Edition

|PIC1|Authentic Media has released a 50th Anniversary edition of Through the Gates of Splendour by Elisabeth Elliot, which pays homage to the story of five young missionaries martyred on 8th January 1956.

2006 sees the 50th anniversary of the death of the author’s husband Jim Elliot, who was savagely murdered by Huaorani Indians (then known as Auca Indians).

Elliot was murdered along with four other young men in Ecuador as they attempted to bring the Word of God to the tribe, which had little contact with the outside world.

The tribe was extremely hostile to contact with the outside, often killing those who tried to reach them.

Despite this, however, Elliot and his colleagues continued in their mission, eventually locating the tribe and entering the territory.

After some initial friendly contact, the five men were speared to death, with Jim leaving behind Elisabeth and their 10-month-old daughter, Valerie.

|TOP|Despite the deaths of the young missionaries, many members of the Huaorani tribe were later converted to Christianity by other missionaries. It is this part of the story that is recalled in the new film, End of the Spear, due for release in the U.S. on 20th January.

The soundtrack to the new film features a track by established Christian artist Nicole C. Mullen.

Elisabeth Elliot went on to work with Huaorani Indians and eventually lived with the tribe for two years. She is author of a number of best-selling books, including Purity and The Shadow of the Almighty.

Through the Gates of Splendour can be bought through the Christian Today Shop, priced £4.99.