Tim Tebow surprises disabled fan by hanging out with him at Disneyland

Tim Tebow surprised a disabled fan by spending a day with him at Disneyland.Reuters/Danny Moloshok

Tim Tebow gave a fan a very special surprise while visiting Disneyland. The football and baseball athlete met with a boy with disabilities and spent the day with him at the theme park.

Tebow, through his wish-granting organization W15H Foundation, sought out Mario, one of the athlete's super fans to have him hang out with his hero during a fun day at Disneyland.

Mario's family was in the theme park when he was informed that Tebow was in the area and he wanted to meet him. The boy was stunned at the news but was obviously ecstatic at the prospect of meeting his favorite National Football League quarterback.

Upon Tebow's arrival, the two shared a very heartwarming moment, with Mario all smiles and obviously thrilled. The two went around the park together, hanging out, enjoying rides, playing games and watching shows.

Mario is a boy born two months premature and is affected by two very rare syndromes that cause facial paralysis and severe lack of mobility. Because of his conditions, Mario has short lungs and only a single kidney. He also had to have open-heart surgery in the past.

Despite his condition and struggles in life, Mario has a very positive outlook on life and says that he likes the way God made him.

Tebow is a devout Christian and is dedicated to helping and loving others through his foundation. During a keynote speech at Freed-Hardeman's 53rd annual benefit dinner this week, he shared an experience that helped put sports and competition into perspective.

When he was 15 years old and on his first mission trip to the Philippines, he met three boys who made an impact on his life. One of the three children, Sherwin, had his legs on backward due to a birth defect. Meeting them taught Tebow that life is more than just athletics.

"Driving down that mountain and thinking about Sherwin and his two friends, it started to impact my heart," shared Tebow. "I thought, wait a second, playing a game, sports, scoring touchdowns, winning championships is not the most important thing anymore. Fighting for people who couldn't fight for themselves was."