'Time to restore order' in Zimbabwe, says Church leader

Zimbabwe has been hit by rampant inflation and shortages of basic goods.Reuters

The Church of Scotland has said it is 'deeply disturbed' by a brutal crackdown being waged against protesters opposed to fuel price rises in Zimbabwe. 

At least 12 people have been killed and up to 1,500 detained in the past two weeks, with members of the police and the military also being accused of carrying out arbitrary beatings, rapes and abductions.

Former Moderator of the Church of Scotland and current convener of its World Mission Council, the Very Rev Dr John Chalmers said: 'We are deeply disturbed by the reports coming out of Zimbabwe and strongly endorse this statement issued by the Council of Churches in Zambia and other civil groups.

'It is time to restore order and to allow the voices of the most vulnerable to be heard.' 

He urged the Scottish and UK Governments to respond to a call for help from the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) - one of the Church of Scotland's partner Churches.

In a statement, the CCZ said it was 'disheartening' that the international community was not doing more to help stem the violence. 

'Civil society in Zambia remains deeply concerned with the economic meltdown in Zimbabwe and the reported human rights violations against citizens of the state,' it said.

It continued: 'The onus lies with President Mnangagwa to be all inclusive in finding a lasting solution to the many challenges that the country faces.

'It is disheartening to note that the terrible situation in Zimbabwe has not garnered the desired response, both regionally and internationally.

'As civil society activists, we cannot sit idle while our neighbours are being beaten, arrested, detained and killed.

'Zimbabwe deserves better from its leaders and the international community.'

Jennie Chinembiri, Africa and Caribbean Secretary for the Church of Scotland, said the World Mission Council had received a 'disturbing and saddening' report of the situation from another partner Church, the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa, in which it said there was a 'warlike feeling in the air'. 

'Perhaps the most shocking effect of the demonstrations and riots is the government's reaction of shutting down the internet and social media sites for all,' the Church said. 

It went on to call for prayer as it admitted it was struggling to minister to its members in the face of the violence. 

'One of the hardest things for us ministers is how to minister to people at this time?' the Church said.

'How to preach a message of hope in the face of the seeming hopelessness of our country? How to preach a message of comfort without sounding like 'peace where there is no peace'? And how to help the people lament without leaving them in despair?

'Please do continue to hold us up in prayer.'