'Titanfall 2' DLC release date, news: 'Angel City's Most Wanted' rolls out on Nov. 30

A promotional image for "Titanfall 2"Titanfall official website

Game developer Respawn Entertainment has officially announced the release date of the first free downloadable content (DLC) map for "Titanfall 2." Game fans who pre-ordered the game will have the first taste of the "Angel City's Most Wanted" expansion pack starting Nov. 30.

"First let's look at the big picture and make a crucial point about our DLC vision crystal clear: All maps, modes, weapons —anything that has effect on gameplay— will be free for all players that bought Titanfall 2. We believe that in order to maintain a healthy community we shouldn't be segmenting players behind paywalls for these things," the studio announced.

An in-game store will arrive with the first DLC. Players can purchase new skins, camo, and Prime Titans for a very reasonable price, but it will go no further than that. The studio also added that the game would have no in-game currency, no locked loot boxes, paid special weapons or crafting shards.

The announcement also pointed out that everything that will be purchased will have no effect on stats whatsoever. All the items bought will only be for visual enhancements or cosmetic effects only.

The "Titanfall 2: Angel City's Most Wanted" DLC will contain the Angel City map, which is a reworked fan favorite map from the first game. Fans that pre-ordered the game can start accessing the map starting Nov. 30, while other players will be able to enjoy it come Dec. 3.

Additionally, the expansion pack will also bring in a Wingman Elite Pistol, Stats screen, and FAQ menu. Titan Kits will also be included that will include a refraction lens and a splitter rifle for the Ion Titan, flame core for the Scorch Titan, threat optics for the Northstar Titan and a phase reflex for the Ronin Titan, just to name a few.

"Titanfall 2" players can also expect to have some additional twists to its game modes, double XP weekends, top networks recognitions, and social giveaways. The studio is planning these activities for its own community.

"Titanfall 2" is now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.