Toddler Group Leaders Feel 'Isolated', says Care for the Family

National charity Care for the Family will host a key conference to address feelings of isolation among parent and toddler group leaders across England and Wales.

The southern Playtime Conference takes place in Feltham on Saturday 12 May 2007.

Naomi Buckler, manager of the Care for the Family's Playtime project, explains why the conference is so important: "Parent and toddler groups play a vital role in communities across the UK, but leaders of these groups often feel unsupported and isolated.

"The Playtime conferences encourage group leaders through dynamic discussions and the opportunity to meet other group leaders, share insights and learn from one another."

The conference will run under the theme 'Get Started: Keep Moving!' and promises to help all group leaders - whether they are just starting out, or have been leading a group for a number of years.

Sessions at Get Started: Keep Moving! include, 'Why do we do it?'; 'Storytelling for little ones' with children's communicator and author Vicki Howe; 'Working in our communities' with Care for the Family's Single Parent Family project manager Liz Gardner; 'Dealing with bad behaviour and other tricky issues'; 'Church faith-based issues for toddler groups' (Optional); 'Best practice in toddler groups'.

"Group leaders the length and breadth of Britain genuinely find these conferences inspirational," says Ms Buckler. "I believe leaders of parent and toddler groups are 'unsung heroes' who offer incredible support to parents and families in the communities around them. It's a wonderful privilege to, in turn, support group leaders in the work they do."

Delegates will also be able to make use of important networking time, giving them opportunities to meet group leaders in similar situations, or working in nearby areas.

Get Started: Keep Moving! takes place on Saturday 12 May 2007, from 10.30am - 4.00pm (registration begins at 9.30am) at Riverside Vineyard Centre, Feltham. Tickets cost £12.50 and can be ordered from Care for the Family, Freepost (CF4636), Cardiff CF15 7GZ, online at or by calling (029) 2081 0800.