“Together for Europe Conference” Kicks-off today

After the two-day pre-“Together for Europe” Congress, the “Together for Europe Conference” kicked-off this morning at 9:00 GMT. The live transmission through the internet and satellite is now available on its official website http://www.europ2004.info/index_uk.php.

In a moment in which Europe and the world are swept by the winds of violence and terrorism, winds of fraternity will blow from Stuttgart and the 163 European cities linked to it. This is its contribution towards “giving a soul” to the process of unification, so that Europe may realise the project of its founding fathers: a family of united people and reconciled nations, committed to building peace and the unity of the entire human family.

The morning session ended at around 12:00 GMT. There were three main themes in the morning session, namely “Europe Yesterday and Europe Today”, “Christian Faith and the Future of Europe” and “Fraternity”. The address of Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of St. Egidino, on “Europe: history and the spirit”, opened a series of talks.

Through the discussion of Andrea Riccardi, the participants were once again reminded about the preciousness of the Christian culture that has been rooted in Europe. Andrea Riccardi drew the attention of the audience to the fact that many Europeans have lost the Christian values in their lives, therefore he called for Christian leaders to unite so as to bring revival of Christianity in Europe.

The second talk “European Unity” was delivered by Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission. He not only stressed the point of unity within European countries, but he also encouraged Europeans to extend their horizons as far as Africa. He said Europeans should be able to see the suffering of those who are in wars and under the threat of AIDS. They should see the community of Christ based in the whole world.

Ulrich Parzany, General Secretary of the German National Association of YMCA addressed the speech “Europe needs Christ”. In the history of endless fighting between Europeans in both religious and political aspects, Europe needs Christ. Through the Christ, people can realise the preciousness of each individual as a unique creation of God under His own image. All people are so precious that Jesus Christ laid down his life on the cross to redeem them from sins. Because of this preciousness, people should respect one another.

May 8th is the anniversary of the end of the Second World War. It is also the eve of Europe day, which recalls the historic declaration of Robert Schuman on May 9th 1950, and the origin of the European Union. The message of unity and peace in Christianity is highlighted in today’s conference.

Inbetween the talks, some cultural performances are devoted by Albert Frey and Andrea Adam, Frey Band and the Cosi-Stefanescu Ballet Company.

The afternoon session broadcasting will commence at 13:30 GMT.