'Tom Clancy's The Division' DLC update news: New expansion has issues; Ubisoft provides workaround

Tom Clancy's The Division/Official Facebook Page

"The Division" just got its 1.3 patch, but it seems that it's not running as smoothly as expected. A lot of players are reporting several technical issues once again.

Ubisoft Massive, according to the Parent Herald, has started investigating the matter, especially the connectivity issues and the purported inaccessible content in the "Underground" DLC.

Players who have played this game long enough are already used to the appearance of glitches and various issues, since "The Division" has experienced a lot of these since its "Falcon Lost" Incursion was launched. As such, with the advent of the 1.3 update, a new set of these issues has appeared, much to the players' annoyance.

Game Spot reports that the connectivity issues experienced by players include the Delta error as well as longer waiting queues. However, the issues as of the moment are still unresolved, but Ubisoft Massive posted some instructions to work around some of the problems while they investigate the source of the game's connectivity issues.

As for those being denied access to the "Underground" DLC content, some suggestions made by the developers could be temporary solutions to this problem until the source has been identified and fixed. Players holding the Season Pass for Xbox, for instance, should unlock the DLC using the in-game store, clicking purchase so the game will detect that the player has the Pass. As for PC owners, a simple restart of their Uplay client could fix this issue as well.

There are a lot more possible workaround fixes for various errors in this game, which can be seen on "The Division" official Twitter page.

With the latest expansion getting awry once again, it's possible for a lot of fans to avoid purchasing this game for the time being, unless a more permanent solution will be made, ensuring the game's stability. In any case, "Tom Clancy's The Division" is available for the Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4.