'Tom Clancy's The Division' DLC, updates: Ubisoft to punish 'cheating ' players on first 'Incursion' update

Tom Clancy's The DivisionUbisoft

Ubisoft has rolled out its first free update on "Tom Clancy's The Division." Dubbed as the "Incursion" update, it was found out that there is an exploit included in the patch. The developer stated on record that a hotfix is on the way, while promising punishments for "cheating" players who will take advantage of the glitch.

In the announcement posted on the official game forums, the developer has stated that "We are working on fixing the exploit. Obviously it is against our Code of Conduct and the team is looking into what can be done in terms of punishment for those who have exploited."

Apparently, the punishment part got the ire of a number of players for "The Division." Reacting strongly on the forum post, one user commented, "But now I'm reading that you consider your faulty code to be on US, as players? Am I to be punished for using a mask that regens constantly having no idea why for the first day? What about the reckless talent? Or running on the side of a mission area to avoid mobs?"

The issue has also gone over to "The Division" thread on Reddit, where majority of the players say that Ubisoft should not shift the blame on players, but rather admit to their error. "Try to understand that your customers can't create exploits, only you can do that. If you want to hand our punishments, start with your staff," tone player wrote.

The "Incursion" update introduces players to "Falcon Lost," one of the new mission expansions that came with this month's update. The new mission is part of high-level content expansion, and also nets high-level rewards. However, a glitch has been found where players can repeatedly run the mission many times – therefore farm some high-level reward items – by buying and using a riot shield and plunging headlong into an "almost invisible" wall.