'Tom Clancy's The Division's' in-game map on the same scale as 'Fallout 4's' Wasteland

Twitter courtesy of "Tom Clancy's The Division"

The world inside "Tom Clancy's The Division" is not as small as it may have initially seemed.

Thanks to the work of YouTube user MarcoStyle, players can now get a better idea of just how big the in-game map of "Tom Clancy's The Division" actually is.

In the video, MarcoStyle devises his own measuring system to help create a better idea of just how large the respective maps are.

First off, the YouTube user compares the map of "Grand Theft Auto 5's" Los Santos to the one found in "Tom Clancy's The Division."

Unsurprisingly, his study revealed that the Los Santos area in "Grand Theft Auto 5" was the larger locale, although he adds that the size alone does not tell the entire story.

As MarcoStyle pointed out, "Grand Theft Auto 5's" map is not quite as densely-packed as the one seen in "Tom Clancy's The Division," thus making the comparison between the two quite lacking.

In pursuit of a better comparison, MarcoStyle studied the Wasteland in "Fallout 4" and compared that with the part of New York featured in "Tom Clancy's The Division."

According to his findings, the two maps ended up being very comparable to each other in size, with neither eking out enough of a margin to truly be declared bigger.

While the two maps may be similar in size, just how the areas compare in terms of their accessible structures is not quite as clear.

According to Forbes, "Fallout 4's" map may be bigger in terms of how much of it can actually be explored by players when compared to the one in "Tom Clancy's The Division," although the difference does not appear to be that significant.

News that the map in "Tom Clancy's The Division" is nearly as big as the ones in other notable open world titles may come as a surprise to some players, especially since it takes place in just a single borough of New York, Examiner.com reported. The only borough currently featured in the game is Midtown Manhattan.

Earlier on, there was a belief that "Tom Clancy's The Division" was going to feature multiple boroughs; although the possibility still exists that additional locations could later on be added to the game as downloadable content (DLC).

Further additions may even help the map of "Tom Clancy's The Division" surpass "Grand Theft Auto 5's" Los Santos and "Fallout 4's" Wasteland.