Tony Blair Shares Lebanon Concerns with Christian Aid Director

|PIC1|Following a protest demanding an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and Israel in Central London, Saturday, Tony Blair phoned Christian Aid director Dr Daleep Mukarji to discuss the agency's concerns over the crisis.

Dr Mukarji stressed the initiative came directly from the Prime Minister.

”The call came direct from Mr Blair and I welcome that. It was informal, private, positive and very constructive. The Prime Minister heard and recognised Christian Aid's concerns.”

Dr Mukarji was not willing to share what the Prime Minister had said. But he added that Mr Blair was making a genuine effort to understand the problem.

“I firmly stressed that aid agencies such as Christian Aid need unfettered access to those people in need in Lebanon. We need security in which to work and we need to see an end to the killing of innocent people on both sides.

|AD|“I also said that for any long-term solution to work, the Prime Minister needed to tackle the wider problem of the Middle East, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian problem.

“Mr Blair heard what I said on this and responded positively.”

The 20,000 demonstrators Saturday had used the march to voice their anger at Prime Minister Tony Blair, and US President George Bush for not calling for a more direct end to the violence in the Middle East.

Kate Hudson, chair of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), said: "It's a marvellous indication of the strength of opposition to the violence in the Middle East. It is a very strong message to Tony Blair to get behind the cause of the ceasefire."

Members of the public, political campaigners and Christian groups from around England, Scotland and Wales were among the crowds that gathered at Speakers' Corner in the London’s Hyde Park.