iPhone 6 top 5 killer features for September release date

iPhone 6 is reported to arrive in September and will pack killer features that will make it rise to the top of the smartphone market.

Apple's next flagship phone will include revolutionary features such as A8 processor, iOS 8, improved TouchID fingerprint sensor, etc. However, other features that the smartphone is rumored to include are NFC, LTE, and wireless charging feature. Below are the top five iPhone 6 features that consumers must watch out for in September release date.


Apple reportedly gave the green light to the iPhone 6 to pack the near field communication, which the company skipped in the previous iPhones as it claimed that the mobile payment ecosystem that was not equally mature to pack such feature. However, rivals of iPhones packed NFC and Google boasts Google Wallet that put pressure to Apple to include this significant feature in the next iPhone.

Faster 4G/LTE

iPhone 6 is also rumored to sport a faster Category 6 LTE radio, which is capable of 300 mbps speed.. Currently, the iPhone 5S packs a 150 mbps. The new radio is missing LTE advancements, but it is a closer step towards the new era in wireless technology. Under ideal lab conditions, LTE Advanced provides almost 3.3 gigabits per second.

Wireless Charging

Wireless changing would have been possible for a long time if not only due to the competition among mobile manufacturers. Meanwhile, the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) and the Power Matters Alliance (PMA) agreed that a device packing a wireless charging feature should work on the companies.

Bigger and sturdier screen display

Rumors said that iPhone 6 will sport a bigger and stronger screen display. It was speculated that the next iPhone will boast a 5-inch screen panel protected by sapphire screen.

Better processor

Rumors also stated that iPhone 6 will be powered by the next generation of A8 processor with 64-bit processor. Although A7 chipset also has a 64-bit architecture, the A8 CPU will be faster and will yield to better performance.