Google Nexus 6 (Nexus X) with Android L: Top 5 things known about anticipated smartphone

The Moto X design, rumored to be the inspiration for the upcoming Nexus 6 release by Google.Facebook

As the Google Nexus 6 (Nexus X) release date nears, rumors are emerging on a daily basis.  For instance, alleged photos of the new Nexus smartphone leaked online once again, hinting on the deep interest of the tech community in the next gen Google handset.

Below are the top five things that are currently known about the upcoming Google Nexus 6, also dubbed as Nexus X.

Android 5.0 L operating system

Google Nexus 6 will surely run with the upcoming Android 5.0 L version of Google's operating system. The mobile software was announced in this year's Google I/O held last July.

Motorola as manufacturer

Rumors claim that Motorola will take the helm in making the new Nexus X handset, with Google finally letting go of its loyal partner LG after two successful smartphones – the LG Nexus 4 and 5. Motorola was a former subsidiary of Google before it was bought by Lenovo.

Moto X specs and features

In line with the previous rumors, if Motorola will indeed manufacture the next generation Nexus smartphone, it will pack most of the specs and features seen in the recently released 2014 version of Moto X. According to reports, the Nexus 6 will sport a 5.9-inch screen display with QHD resolution, Qualcomm's Snapdragon 805 quad-core processor, 3 GB of RAM, 3200 mAh battery, and 16 GB and 32 GB internal storage options.

More expensive than Nexus 5

With all of the rumored upgrades in the new Nexus 6 smartphone, speculations lead to a probable price increase on the unit. Reports claim that the handset will be available for just under $500 compared to the previous $349 price tag of the Nexus 5 smartphone.

To be launched with HTC Nexus 9

Lastly, there are whispers that say that the Google Nexus X will be released alongside the HTC Nexus 9. Latest reports say that the Google devices will make an appearance on Oct. 15.

However, all of the above-mentioned rumors should be taken with a grain of salt until Google releases an official statement about its device.