Top Australian Anglican Calls for End to Violence

The top Anglican leader in Australia used his Christmas message as a chance to condemn the recent wave of racial violence in Sydney. At a midnight service at St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane on Saturday night, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall called on “every Australian” to get along with people “we don’t know, love or like.”

His message came just two weeks after gangs of white surfers and ethnic Lebanese clashed in alcohol-fuelled riots at the popular Cronulla Beach. In light of such pressures, Aspinall also urged the nation “to participate in a new beginning and a new kind of community” where everybody learns to live with differences. "At the same time, no Australian must ever be expected to put up with criminal behaviour and must be given protection and relief by police and the courts,” he said. "Getting along well can begin simply with applying the basic childhood lessons of how to live decently in a community, including self control, of learning where people have come from and what matters to them, of not hitting out, and of sharing and talking to each other," he said.