Tour Agency to Reconcile Cultural Differences in Britain

Step in Time Tours has launched an England tour to help Asian minorities living in the UK discover more about the nation and appreciate the way in which its cultural history was influenced by Moorish culture.

Mohammed Nawaz, Director of Step in Time Tours, said: "Our message is all about learning. Many Asians may not be aware of the beauty of England today and have no knowledge of its credence in historical development, especially how it was influenced by the Moors.

"The best way for people to get on is to find out more about each other. The recent terrorist tensions have re-invigorated the debate of cultural differences in Britain."

The tour aims to attract all sectors of society in an atmosphere of living and travelling together, encouraging healthy dialogue and demonstrating how Shakespeare is loved by Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike.

Nawaz added: "Unfortunately, although Asian people travel in large numbers to Pakistan, India and many far off places to be with their families, little is known of the UK's beauty and cultural importance."

Historical cities will feature on the tour, including Cambridge, Stratford upon Avon, Oxford, Ely, Kings Lynn and London.