Tracy Morgan latest update: Comedian appears on TV for the first time since deadly crash

Tracy Morgan performing stand-up in 2008.[Photo credit: Alex Erde | Wikimedia Commons]

Marking his first official appearance on TV after the 2014 car crash that nearly took his life, "30 Rock" actor and comedian Tracy Morgan appeared for an interview on "Today" with Matt Lauer this June 1. 

"I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm in front of you," Morgan told Lauer. "I can't believe I'm just here, and just seeing the tragedy that happened. It touches me." 

Morgan, James McNair, and two other passengers were travelling in their limousine on June 7, 2014 when a Wal-Mart truck crashed into their vehicle. McNair was killed in the crash while Morgan suffered from several broken bones and severe brain injury. The other two passengers were also injured. 

Morgan's appearance on "Today" occurred less than a week after finally settling a lawsuit against Wal-Mart. 

"Walmart did right by me and my family and for my associates and their families," Morgan stated at the time the case was settled but during his interview, there was a hint of sadness in his words. "The case is settled, but the pain is always going to be there for Jimmy Mac. Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal." 

The actor explained that he could not remember the crash itself but could only recall the aftermath and the moments prior to the car accident. He said that the last time he remembered seeing McNair was during their show. McNair wrote a joke for Morgan, which the latter delivered to the audience with success. Morgan recalled that this was his last strong memory of McNair prior to the accident. 

Morgan continued to explain that he only learned about McNair's passing several weeks later, when he awoke from his coma. The actor admitted spending time on YouTube to watch videos of the accident and later paid tribute to his friend by watching videos of McNair's funeral online.