Trans World Radio surpasses 225 languages with new programmes to Africa

Listeners in West Africa are benefiting from international Christian broadcasting network Trans World Radio's (TWR) expansion to include new programmes that will reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ in their own heart language.

Recent broadcast supplements to the airwaves include Baatonum, Ditammari and Lukpa, all languages spoken in Benin, West Africa, as well as Ifè, which is a language of Togo. With these and other new additions, TWR now proclaims God's word globally in more than 225 languages and dialects.

"Expanding the number of languages and dialects TWR airs broadens our opportunity to reach even more people with the gospel message," said TWR Chairman of the Board and Interim CEO Thomas J Lowell.

"By adding broadcasts into an unreached area like West Africa, we can also deliver the good news to those who might not otherwise have access to the hope and salvation of Jesus Christ."

Trans World Radio broadcasts over 1800 hours in 225 languages and dialects each week from 15 primary transmitting sites around the world, by continent-wide satellite networks, over thousands of local stations, and via the Internet.